Farming and social media?
That doesn’t seem to sit naturally together in many peoples eyes.
Our CEO Lynsey, who also sits on the DMA’s Social Media Council, decided it was time to show other industries how the farming sector is using social media.
Lynsey explains “I’ve been providing training within this sector for many years and often mention it during training sessions in other industry sectors to demonstrate it isn’t just a platform for large retailers. Having often received raised eye brows and quizzical looks I thought it would fit in really well as part of my role at the social media council to highlight the effectiveness its had within this often miss thought of industry.”
“I selected four areas to interview; a farmer, a farm shop, a farming business and Red Tractor, whose objective is to engage with farmers, consumers and supermarkets.”
Chairman Kit Papworth shares with Lynsey how social media has helped Anglia Farmers
Chris Reeks – owner of La Hogue farm shop and restaurant shares with Lynsey how social media marketing is now a key part of his marketing strategy
Kit Papworth – Norfolk farmer shares with Lynsey how being a farmer can be very lonely but with social media at hand things have changed
Georgina Park of Red Tractor talks to Lynsey about although engaging with many different audiences social media has helped